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Top 10 Questions About Avancé Embroidery Machines

If you’re looking to get into the embroidery business, you probably have some researching to do. We’re saving you the time and effort in doing so by creating this list of the top 10 questions we hear the most about our Avancé embroidery machines.

Read more about our line of embroidery machines here

1. What are the major differences between the Avancé 1501C and 1201C embroidery machines? The biggest difference between these machines are the needles. The Avancé 1501C is a 15 needle embroidery machine, while the Avancé 1201C is a 12 needle machine. That being said, another major difference is the sewing field size. The 1501C has a bigger sewing field than the 1201C, making it a better option for larger jobs like sewing on jacket backs, blankets, tree skirts, and much more.

2. What’s included in the Avancé embroidery machine packages? Right out of the box, our Avancé embroidery machines are ready to sew!

Packages include: – two of every sized hoop – a cap frame (2 cap frames for the 1501C) – cap driver – full embroidery tool kit including thread and backings – 28 on board fonts – Large table top (for the 1501C only) – Border frame (for the 1501C only) – Complimentary kickstart digitizing service – Training and support – 5 year warranty View the full brochure here.

3. What kind of hoops can be used with the Avancé embroidery machines? Since the Avancé 1501C has a standard embroidery arm, plenty of specialty hoops will work with it including grips and magnetic frames. The 1201C has a different arm length so it will work with the standard hoops it comes with and magnetic frames.

4. What types of thread can be used with these machines? Any 30 to 40 weight thread can be used with both the 1201C and 1501C embroidery machines. However, they both come pre-threaded with Royal thread, which is the brand of thread we recommend. We also recommend Isacord thread. Shop for thread on our supply division site here.

5. What file types do the Avancé embroidery machines accept? Like most embroidery machines, Avancé machines accept digital stitch files, or .DST files. These are made created using a digitizing software.

6. What is digitizing? Digitizing is the language your embroidery machine can understand and read. It’s what tells your machine where and what to stitch. The process of digitizing is converting a raw art file into stitches (a .DST file). It’s important to invest in a high-quality digitizing software like DesignDeck or ColDesi Graphics. Read about DesignDeck here.

7. What are the biggest challenges new embroiderers face? The machines themselves are easy to use. The challenge lies within digitizing, which is why it’s key to have a trustworthy, reliable digitizing service. Bad digitizing = bad sew outs. As soon as you get digitizing down, everything else becomes easier.

8. How do you transfer designs to Avancé embroidery machines? There are two easy ways to do so. The first is to use the USB port both machines have. The other way is by using the WiFi compatibility.

9. What can you embroider with Avancé embroidery machines? We like to say, as long as you can hoop the item successfully then you can embroider on it. Some examples of what items you can embroider are polos, hats, jackets, shoes, dog leashes, tote bags, and so much more!

10. How do I finance? We make financing as simple as possible! All you have to do is fill out a quick application through Adia Capital and receive your answer!

Start making your embroidery dreams come true by chatting with one of our professionals at (877) 458-5575 or visit Avancé contact page.

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