ProSpangle: The Ideal Bling Machine for Children’s Apparel
3 Reasons Spangle Transfers are the Best Bling for Kids
Bling Machine Markets: The only thing that could possibly be more profitable than the Cheer Mom, Football Mom, Soccer Mom and the other booster oriented rhinestone t-shirts and transfers are shirts for all the kids they’re cheering for. Many entrepreneurs that have gotten into the Bling T-shirt business have shied away from kids clothing, in spite of the market size, because of government regulations and concerns about safety.
The following are just three reasons why spangle transfers produced on the ProSpangle machine are the answer to those concerns, and the perfect entry into this lucrative market.
Reason 1: No POSSIBILITY of Lead Content
Ever since the CPSIA was enacted, there have been special rules and procedures created for vendors of everything kid-related to guard against lead poisoning. Unfortunately, rhinestones have gotten lumped in with lead paint, even though there’s no way for kids to digest them. Many professional rhinestone retailers have simply embraced the new rules and gone out of their way to maintain a good supply chain of low lead Hotfix stones, like Colman and Company, but some have decided to just sit on the sidelines and let this lucrative market pass by.
The good news is that Spangle transfers and clothing made with them are 100% lead free and look fantastic. Spangles are made from a plastic material, so no CPSIA paperwork or certifications are necessary.

Reason 2: Spangles Don’t Come Off
Once a spangle transfer is heat pressed onto a garment, they just don’t come off easily. In fact, we have had no reports of any spangles coming off after pressing. There’s nothing to snag, like a stud or a rhinestone, so accidentally scraping them off is off the table. Because spangles are so thin, think about them as a sequin or sequin transfer, the heat activated glue that binds them to the fabric has an easy job keeping them in place.
The relative permanence of spangles vs. other technologies, like embroidered sequins especially, is that there is no chance for kids to pick them off to find out what they taste like!
Reason 3: Soft Touch Bling
There just isn’t any apparel decorating bling technology that’s as soft to the touch. Spangles are absolutely flat, which is difficult to tell from photos because they look so much like Hotfix rhinestones. In addition to being flat, they’re also very, very thin, which means they not only feel soft, but are flexible enough to stay stuck no matter how you move while wearing it.
The soft touch of spangles is especially important for children’s wear. No scratches, no catching threads from sequins and tearing, no falling down and getting bruised by metal studs or glass rhinestones.
Even More
The 3 reasons to go ProSpangle described above don’t address the basic business case for ProSpangle, they only highlight why it’s a great choice for adding bling to kid’s clothing.
The ProSpangle is also one of the most profitable apparel decorating technologies on the market. The CHEER MOM sample below is a great example; it only cost $.86 in materials to produce! Bling t-shirts like this sell for upwards of $20.00 each.

The ProSpangle can operate at up to 1,000 spangles per minute. The average automatic rhinestone machine on the market today places about 150 stones per minute. Notice the difference?
If you’re pursuing the children’s wear market and are looking into a bling machine, ProSpangle must be at the top of your list!