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DTF Printing Tutorials, Articles & Other Useful Resources.

DTF Printing Tutorials, Articles & Other Useful Resources

Over the years here at Coldesi, we’ve been helping folks around the world get the best supplies, equipment, and training for DTF (direct-to-film) printing.

It’s a privilege for us to do this, and we’re happy to help one more person—you!

Regardless of how you got here (and why you’re here), you are here now—and whatever answer you’re looking for, you’re likely to find it here.

See, folks, what you see on this page has been a long time coming. We’ve put this together with our work, practice, sweat, and love, and now you get to experience and learn from it.

This page is more than just a collection of tasks and projects completed; it’s your entryway to DTF!

So, we invite you to explore the resources below and select a learning piece for yourself.

Oh, and while we’re at it, we’ll direct you to the best place to order a DTF printer (if you haven’t already) and to stock up on supplies and raw materials.

(Videos) Learn DTF With Easy Tutorial Videos

Have you been scouring the internet for instructional and educational DTF training videos? You know there’s got to be something out there, but everything is so scattered these days with social media that you don’t know who to believe or where to learn from.

We wanted to solve this problem once and for all. Our answer? Let’s work with the best minds in America (and our industry) and capture our know-how on camera. This library of FREE DTF printing tutorials is the result of our hard work.

Click on the thumbnail below and you’ll be taken to a page that holds a massive collection of how-to videos and pre-recorded demonstrations.

(Articles) Read These Helpful Articles, Explainers & Guides

If you like learning by reading instead of watching, then articles are just right for you!

We have tons of articles, guides, and explainers for you to enjoy at your own pace. Whether you want to relax with some light reading or dig into something new, we’ve got you covered.

From how-tos and step-by-step guides to detailed explanations, you’ll find what you need in one place. Take your time, learn what you want, when you want.

Additionally, these articles may include links to product pages and extra resources to help you keep learning new things… or… stock up on equipment and supplies for your business!

So, if you want an informative read, why not give this a try?

(Audio) Listen To The DTF Printing Podcast Episodes

Are you on-the-go, but still want to get some learning in?

Well, have we got good news for you! Thanks to our hosts, you can listen to our CAS (Custom Apparel Startups) podcast directly on your smartphone using the internet.

This means you could do this from just about anywhere. Driving? Check. Cycling? Check. Even mowing the grass? Double check.

Tune in to the podcast weekly to hear new conversations, ideas, stories, and everything in between.

(Equipment) Buy (Direct To Film) DTF Printer

Still haven’t gotten around to purchasing a DTF printer? Maybe now is the perfect time to buy one!

We have 3 distinct direct-to-film printers for you to choose from in our lineup: DTF 12H2, DTF 24H2, and the big brother DTF 24H4. All of them are excellent models and would be great additions to your custom apparel business.

Pick any one of them; they all have great components under the hood, robust build quality, and features that cater to both newcomers and power users. They check all the boxes. Plus, the price is right too.

Why not have a quick browse online? Compare them side-by-side and see what they have to offer.

(Supplies) DTF Printer Supplies, Parts & More

Sooner or later, you may need to buy extra supplies, optional accessories, and—knock on wood—replacement parts for your DTF printer if any individual component breaks.

Do it through www.colmanandcompany.com

They carry everything you need to complement your decoration business, from DTF transfer film and adhesive powder to inks, cleaning solutions, and everything in between.

Simply head over to their site and search for whatever you’re in need for.