Achieve Your Dreams with ColDesi...
When a customer makes a purchase with ColDesi, we realize they are entrusting us with their dreams for the future.
They look to us for guidance and education as well as an industry partner they can trust. Someone to help them exceed their goals. And for over 17 years with more than 20,000 customers, we have taken on that responsibility as our solemn duty.
In each area of our business, we must be “Intentional” about our choices, “focused” in our responses, and “infinite” in our desire to help our customers.
Through sacrifice, sweat and tears, we have developed a vision statement, or a road map if you will, which we collectively call “The ColDesi Difference”. It’s what you can expect from each of our team members if you decide to partner with us to achieve YOUR dreams.

WHY we do what we do? | We Achieve Dreams
In today’s world, we have massive real-time information available at our fingertips, and a worldwide market of purchase choices. Price alone is no longer the deciding factor when it comes to big purchases.
People are wanting to know WHY we are in business before entrusting us with their dreams. Rightly so! They want to make sure their goals match up with our goals. And they are looking for long term, hassle-free relationships.
With all this in mind, the cornerstone of our business philosophy is “Achieving Dreams”. Achieving Dreams is the WHY to everything we do. It’s why we have structured our company the way we have. And it is WHY we give our best efforts each day to make sure your dreams happen.
HOW we Achieve Dreams | Best ROI, Time Savings, Easy to Use
There’s a method we have developed to help you achieve your dreams. And that method is underpinned by core ideas we have identified which inform our day to day decisions.
Best Return on Investment
It’s simple; more than anything else, the ability to get your money back after you have spent it with us gives you the best chance to achieve your dreams. We use return on investment calculations to determine which products we carry and which ones we reject.
Yes, that’s right. We take the time to evaluate and reject sometimes dozens of other possible choices in each decision we make. We only want to offer the equipment, software, pricing, supplies, support and warranty options that will generate profits as quickly as possible
Time Savings
Every hour you save when getting the job done is another hour you can be spending with family, friends, or doing whatever else you want. Part of our “Achieving Dreams” promise is to set things up so you can get your work done quickly, efficiently, and with the least amount of hassles. We want you to have more time to do what you love.
Easy to Use
How quickly you get up to speed and how smoothly things run is critical to your success. And let’s face it, it’s hard to achieve your dreams if your mind is occupied with frustrations.
Our equipment, software, supplies and training methods are easy to learn and use for sure. But it’s our training and support systems more than anything else that keeps ColDesi customers coming back again and again.
“Our goal is to have the absolute best training and support system available anywhere in ANY industry”. “And our measure of success in this area will not stop or be compared to any industry standard, it will be infinite”. -Scott Colman, President of ColDesi Inc.
WHAT we do to make it happen each day
Even the best of plans and intentions can be sidetracked if consistent effort isn’t taken to make things turn out right. The day to day “ColDesi Difference” is where the rubber meets the road. It’s where we put our money where our mouth is.
We realize that each of our own individual dreams and goals are connected to helping our customers achieve their dreams.
In each department, we do our best to match your dreams with the right equipment, software, financing, training and support that we offer. We have adopted a common sense set of global principles that we expect each of our employees to follow. These principals are what you can expect when purchasing with us.
- Global Principals
- We are Loyal to our customers and their purchases
- We insist on Truthfulness in our associates and suppliers
- We Encourage our customers to dream BIG.
- We are willing to Sacrifice for our customers
- We charge Fair Prices
What we do each day plays out in each of our departments and part of “The ColDesi Difference” is making sure that each of our departments knows specifically what they are expected to do for your benefit. We are here for you!
Our leadership helps you achieve your dreams by making sure that each person they bring into the organization is top notch with a great attitude. If you were ever to experience anything else, you can bet our leadership would want to know about it.
Our leadership is tasked with keeping the company on track, they promote a strong community of support, and make sure each team member is fully equipped and educated. They monitor results and develop new opportunities for growth and financial security. All while promoting a healthy work/life balance for employees and customers.
Our marketing department is responsible for supporting and nurturing the largest and most helpful community of decorated apparel professionals in the industry. They use the newest and most effective communication methods to educate and inform others. They promote the products and services that will give our customers (and prospects) the best ability to achieve their dreams.
Marketing is responsible for making sure that information is communicated quickly and effectively. They make sure the very best industry experts are tapped for a steady stream of best practices our customers can use in their businesses each day.
The sales department is our “make it happen” team. They use their personalities and persistence to learn as much as possible about our industry. They get themselves in the best position to answer your questions, to inform and advise.
Acting as your personal consultant in the industry, they demonstrate genuine care for our prospects and customers. They match your dreams to the best equipment, software and supplies that will make them happen.
Our training department is here to fill you with tons of confidence and to pour in the knowledge. They help you get the very most out of all your purchases by making sure you understand how everything operates, and what the best practices are for each item you purchase.
Going back to our promise to help you save time and to make things easy to use, our trainers use the newest methods and technology. They provide a virtually unlimited resource for you and all your employees to use as often as you need. Our training is set up to make sure nothing stops you from reaching your goals.
Support is an absolute key to the success of ColDesi. For over 17 years our support department has been known in the industry as “The Best Support Team” available. They are here to stand you back up whenever trouble happens.
We know that dreams only happen when our customers are willing to risk trying new things. So, our support team is here to give you that safety net to push your limits.
We use the highest technology available and make sure NO ONE is left behind. 100% up-time is the goal that we strive for. And we sacrifice every day to get a little bit better.